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It's Never Too Late to Begin Your Journey of Change

Written by Marcella Hornyak


Posted on January 25 2020

I began A Journey Within Me to share with others all I've learned and will continue to learn as I walk along the path of my own journey. I began down this path to awaken my soul's healing, find my inner peace, and achieve my physical and spiritual balance. Throughout the process of reaching this balance within myself, I realized that my path forward is destined to help as many others as possible, when they have finally reached the point to say "I'm ready to start my own journey within me." I hope that this platform can be used as a place to engage, inspire, and heal as many souls as possible, at any point in their individual journeys. 

There is never a wrong time to begin the journey within yourself. It has taken me 19 years to realize where my journey began, which ultimately influenced me to follow my passion, and become a Reiki master.

Reiki was never the forethought of my mind, in fact I had never received a Reiki treatment before, let alone ever had much knowledge of the subject. Armed only with my strong inner guidance and instincts, which have pushed me spiritually to pursue a deeper connection with holistic health and wellness, I chose to take an absolute leap of faith and trust in myself to embark on my journey towards becoming a Reiki master. 

A few months ago, a trusted friend of mine shared her experiences with a Reiki master whom she felt would be an absolute fit for me to study under. I set an appointment and eagerly anticipated the day where I would take my first step. 

The first time we met, I knew instantly I was led to the right place. Our first visit consisted of a long conversation about the training I was about to undertake and what I could expect during each phase of my studies. During the course of our conversation, she discovered that, without ever having experienced Reiki first-hand, I was driven down the path of becoming a master, a fact she was quick to rectify. 

I laid on her table and focused my thoughts and energy to a place of calm and reflective openness, to receive a cleansing of which I was desperately in need of. I could feel her hands start to move around each of my core chakras and I could feel the energy begin to flow. The experience has to be one of the most memorable and amazing experiences I have encountered in my life this far.  I knew from that moment, I had taken the right step in my journey within myself. 

As soon as my training began, my life began to change with it. This was truly the start of my journey, one in which I have so much to learn and so many experiences to share. All which will contribute to the healing my soul and spirit have so long thirsted for. 

I welcome you to become a part of my journey to learn,to heal, and to become the best true self which lives deep inside you.



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